Workshops that

Elite Sales Engineering Training

Transform your Sales Engineers from "technical resources" to Confident Client Leaders.
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Workshops that

Most Presales Engineers Never Reach Their Full Potential

They become experts at technology, but not experts at sales.
Get Alpha Presales training and help them become experts at both.
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Shaking hands
Close More Deals
two hands giving a high five
Do Less POCs
column chart with the graph of revenue going up and to the right
Be More Efficient

Sales Engineers are geniuses, but they...

human brain appearing smart
Take 10 minutes to answer a simple question
Multiple different paths
Say "it depends" too much, which causes indecision
Magnifying glass
Ask questions, but don't dig for pain
Clock ticking
Explain concepts, instead of telling stories
Don't let your SE's big brain be their big curse!

Alpha Presales Training

We don't teach presentations skills.

We teach leadership skills.

We teach engineers how to discover more, talk less and do less.

We use Behavioral Science, Storytelling, and Executive Messaging to help Sales Engineers close more deals with less activities.

Magnifying glass

Behavioral Science

Help engineers go from spending most of their time talking, to spending most of their time listening and digging for pain.
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Help engineers go from saying "it depends" all the time, to telling short compelling stories.
human brain appearing smart

Executive Messaging

Help engineers go from over-explaining everything and boring the customer, to being clear and concise.
Multiple different paths


Help engineers go from being doers that do what they're told, to leaders that help the customer make decisions faster.


Presales training just never hits the mark. Technical training makes SEs competent engineers, but not competent salespeople. Then sales training is designed for AEs and the SEs tune out. Finally, presentation training only works when SEs are giving scripted demos. What about the 80% of their job that isn't scripted? InfluEar Coaching combines Improv, Technology, and Sales to help sales engineers remain confident and advance the sale.

Note: Every InfluEar Coaching engagement starts with an assessment to identify where your people are strongest and weakest. Then we come up with an individualized plan and we only train the weaknesses so that you get the most value in the least amount of time. Coaching isn't generic, it meets your SEs at their current skill level, and then elevates them so that new hires get better and so do your seasoned vets.

Sales Engineers are All-Stars that are smart, analytical, and helpful. But sometimes those skills hurt them...

SMART - They overdemo and show everything because they know everything
SMART - They overexplain and talk too much because they're good with words
ANALYTICAL - They're unemotional and detail-oriented, but their prospect isn't
HELPFUL - They solve the customer's problem instead of let them sit in pain

Sales Engineers don't need more training. They're already good at demos and POCs. They're just too smart for their buyers.

Book a call and teach them use their Big IQs to yield big W-2s.

• You lose deals because the competition is clearer
• You extend deals because presales takes too long
• Your CAC goes up which scares investors
• Your forecast blows up because presales is unpredictable

We teach, smart, analytical and helpful people to use their Big IQs to yield Bigger W-2s

We use a repeatable system to teach sales engineers Discovery, Brevity, Clarity, and Behavioral Sales so that your whole sales team wins. We have numerous workshops, here are the most popular ones.
word bubble

Intelligently Dumbified

Who is it for? 
• New SEs and Tenured SEs
What is it for? 
• Brevity and Discovery
Why does it matter? 
• New SEs ramble. Tenured SEs talk too much. When SEs talk too much, you lose deals, that's why we teach them to talk less. This workshop uses math to teach SEs to talk half as much and get the prospect to talk twice as much. That advances deals.
two hands coming together in a heart shape showing love and connection

Sales Love Languages

Who is it for? 
• Anyone in sales, especially
left-brain thinkers
What is it for? 
• Speeding up sales cycles
Why does it matter? 
• Most engineers think logically and sequentially. But most buyers don't. Assuming your prospect is like you kills deals. That’s why we use behavioral science to teach SEs how to start thinking like their prospect, so they can close deals faster.

The Audible

Who is it for? 
• Customer-facing SEs
What is it for? 
• Confidence
Why does it matter? 
• When SEs lose confidence, so do your AEs, and so do your prospects. Then prospects ask for POCs and follow-ups, and your ACV drops. We teach SEs how to remain confident in the moment, even when Enterprise Architects and CISOs are peppering them with questions.


Presales training just never hits the mark. Technical training makes SEs competent engineers, but not competent salespeople. Then sales training is designed for AEs and the SEs tune out. Finally, presentation training only works when SEs are giving scripted demos. What about the 80% of their job that isn't scripted? InfluEar Coaching combines Improv, Technology, and Sales to help sales engineers remain confident and advance the sale.

Note: Every InfluEar Coaching engagement starts with an assessment to identify where your people are strongest and weakest. Then we come up with an individualized plan and we only train the weaknesses so that you get the most value in the least amount of time. Coaching isn't generic, it meets your SEs at their current skill level, and then elevates them so that new hires get better and so do your seasoned vets.

Ask about our training curriculum. These and other workshops can be delivered in sales off-sites, weekly knowledge shares, and kickoff events, either virtually or in-person.

Alpha Presales Training

See why Sean chose Alpha Presales to transform his highly technical SE team from "technical experts" to Leaders.
Turn your team into better Leaders, Listeners, Discoverers and Storytellers with Alpha Presales upskilling workshops.
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Our SEs were extremely skilled, but they weren’t leading the sale. After Alpha Presales training, there was an obvious increase in their confidence and now the team leads the sale and they aren’t being “salesy.”
Headshot of person
Lee, VP of Presales
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I was in a meeting with Microsoft and halfway through my discussion the prospect gets up and says..."Oh My God, I feel so heard right now!"
Headshot of person
Alex, Sales Engineer
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Our POC was supposed to take 3 weeks, but my SC was a genius and he used his leadership skills to craft a plan where the client got all the value at the beginning of the POC. He gave a demo on Day 2 and the client liked it so much that he put the demo into his presentation to the economic buyer. The economic buyer loved it and decided to call off the POC because he wanted to move right away. I was in contracts on Day 3 (not week 3).
Andrew, Account Executive
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I was always scared after meetings because we would be gone and then we had to count on the prospect to sell internally. Now I’m not worried when prospects play the telephone game because they sell on our behalf.
Headshot of person
Rishav, Account Manager

How It Works

Unlike traditional presales training that teaches you things you already know, Alpha Presales lets you build your own training program according to your needs. Don't know what you need? We'll help you figure out. Here's the process:


Book a call and see if we're a fit for your team's needs


We'll shadow your team and learn your business


Tailor the workshops and curriculum to your needs


Go through training and then embed the learning
Book a call and see if we're a fit for your team. Or don't and keep listening to AEs talk about how your SEs lack sales skills.

Presales Training That Works

Our customers are software companies that sell extremely technical products. Their problem is that most of their sales reps don't know what they're selling, which means the Sales Engineers and Solutions Architects have to do all the work.

Our customers are doing less demos but more trials, pilots, and POVs. That's why most presales training doesn't work for them. Most presales training teaches novice sales engineers to give better presentations.


At Alpha Presales, we don't train you to talk. We train you to lead and to get the customer talking. We do that by training behavioral science, storytelling, and leadership.

Do you want your sales engineers to be able to close more deals with less meetings? Do you want them to be more than just "technical resources?" Then book a call. Or don't and keep wasting your best talent (and your money).


The Most Important Presales Formula Ever (i.e. How to Pitch Anything, including Kubernetes)

Have you ever asked a tech person to explain something to you, but you still had no idea what they were talking about? 

This formula will work on prospects, partners, coworkers, your grandmother and even your adolescent son with no attention span. Oh, and it’s math, so your engineers might actually like it.


Schedule a Call!

You're probably wondering, "do I really want to do this?" Just know that if you do, we will not spam you with 100 emails and dozens of phone calls. We will listen to you, not pitch you. The purpose of this call is to figure out what you're interested in and share what we do so that you can determine if we are a fit for your needs. If you're too afraid to schedule a call, send us an email at

Valuable Resources for Presales

Are You Having Trouble Justifying Your PreSales Headcount?

PreSales teams are frequently understaffed because they rely on ratios that are wrong. Learn how to take control of your headcount using a data-driven approach.